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Can unmarried cohabitants be legally recognized as family members?

  • Date 2024-06-13
  • Hits 140

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Video Description

Type: KIHASA Policy Featurette

Topic: Can unmarried cohabitants be legally recognized as family members?

Guest Speaker: Heo Min-sook, Research Officer, National Assembly Research Service


Unfortunately, there is no legal framework in place to protect unmarried cohabiting relationships, although some laws do protect common-law relationships. For example, while unmarried partners are not recognized for inheritance purposes, they may still be eligible for benefits such as survivor pensions or allowances. The difficulty in providing legal protection for unmarried cohabitation stems from the lack of an established legal basis for such protection. I think this has something to do with the prejudices that exist among many people. It is evident that the old practice of requiring formal marriage to qualify for social security, social safety nets, and relevant rights is still prevalent, rather than recognizing unmarried partnerships.

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