Research in Cards/Videos

Is Your Mental Health in Good Shape?

  • Date 2024-09-05
  • Hits 11

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Video Description

Type: KIHASA Policy Featurette

Topic: Is Your Mental Health in Good Shape?

Guest Speaker: Jun Jina, Head, Center for Psychosocial Health Research, KIHASA


Mental health services previously provided by the government and public institutions have focused primarily on individuals with severe mental illness. Despite the fact that a wide range of people experience various mental health problems, there wasn't a strong recognition that mental health services should be provided to the general population. However, as terms like "COVID Blues" or "COVID Depression" became more widespread, society reached a consensus that "we need to take care of the mental health of the general public." As a result, we are now beginning to develop systems to address the mental health needs of the general population.

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