Research in Cards/Videos

Who Should Bear the Greatest Responsibility for the Climate Crisis?

  • Date 2024-11-22
  • Hits 48

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Video Description

Type: KIHASA Policy Featurette

Topic: Who Should Bear the Greatest Responsibility for the Climate Crisis

Guest Speaker: Lim Wan-sub, Head, Center for Research on Basic Social Protection, KIHASA


Here’s the next question: 

What stance do wealthy countries take on the inequality of the climate crisis affecting poorer countries? Also, wouldn’t the issue of inequality in the climate crisis be resolved by sanctioning the countries with the highest carbon emissions? Discussions about the responsibility for the climate crisis are being conducted through international organizations, such as the Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. However, addressing inequality between nations due to the climate crisis is an even more challenging issue because pinpointing specific responsibilities is extremely difficult. To address this, it’s essential to understand the impact of each country's contribution to climate change and simultaneously assess how that impact creates inequalities in other countries. This process demands a highly complex approach and an even more difficult consensus-building process, making it far from a straightforward issue.

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