Health and Welfare Policy Forum

Evidence Based Social Policy and the Development of Integrated Administrative Data

  • Author

    Lee, Hyonjoo

  • Page


  • PubDate

    2022. 11.

  • Language


A social security administration data system is under development based on the Framework Act on Social Security revised in 2021. An integrated source of data, the social security administration data system is expected to help better understand, and improve the effectiveness of, the growing social security system. There are many challenges to address for effective and efficient use of social security administration data. First, it is necessary to make reasonable decisions on the scope of information collected. Second, governance for data cooperation should be strengthened. Third, there is a need to improve the accuracy of data-linkage keys. Fourth, new research topics and methods such as changes in the analysis unit should be developed. Finally, policy improvement methods should be developed that reflect the results of data analysis.


공공누리 공공저작물 자유 이용허락
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    Ministry of Health and Welfare