Health and Welfare Policy Forum

Current Status of Health and Welfare Statistics and Tasks for Development: Focusing on the Approved Statistics of the Ministry of Health and Welfare

  • Author

    Shin, Jeongwoo, Cheon, MiKyung, Jeon, Yeji, Jin, Jaehyun

  • Page


  • PubDate

    2022. 11.

  • Language


The Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) establishes a national statistical development plan every five years. The new 5-year plan is to be implemented for the years 2023~2027. In order for the new plan to present the right direction, considerable analysis must be preceded. According to the analysis of national approval statistics, the MOHW lacks the designated statistics that are the basis of national policy design. And the statistical verification of the national indicators that monitor the current state of national policy is partially insufficient, so this should be improved. In addition, efforts should be made to strengthen the work network between related agencies and to produce and provide accurate and reliable statistical information in a position to integrate and coordinate statistics in the health and welfare sector.


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    Health and Welfare News in Brief

    Ministry of Health and Welfare