Health and Welfare Policy Forum

Demographic Data and Its Implications: Generations and Gender Survey(GGS) Data

  • Author

    Lee, So-Young

  • Page


  • PubDate

    2022. 11.

  • Language


The demographic transition in Korea, characterized by the decrease in births and population aging, has been extremely rapid. Reliable demographic data are needed to analyze demographic changes in Korea. Furthermore, to understand the values, attitudes, and behaviors related to fertility, it is beneficial to explore low-fertility situations in other countries. This study examines the Generations & Gender Survey (GGS), a demographic survey that enables international comparisons. It should be considered adding longitudinal elements in ‘The National Survey on Fertility and Family Health and Welfare’ or taking part in GGS, to implement and evaluate policies to respond to population change.


공공누리 공공저작물 자유 이용허락
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