Health and Welfare Policy Forum

Current State of Service Quality Management at Long-Term Care Providers and Policy Options for Improvement

  • Author

    Kim, Sejin

  • Page


  • PubDate

    2024. 02.

  • Language


In this article, I explore how long-term care providers manage service quality, drawing on the 2022 Long-Term Care Survey, and propose policy options to enhance the long-term care offered by these organizations. This study found that long-term care provider organizations often employ an additional workforce of informal employees, beyond the minimum required by national regulations, in an effort to deliver quality services. However, quality management efforts, such as employing an additional workforce, were found to be relatively insufficient in providing visiting care―such as occasional day or nighttime services―or highly demanding care. Facilities offering day and nighttime care, short-term care, and long-term care demonstrate considerable effort in safeguarding users’ autonomy and rights and delivering professional care. However, they were found to be less committed to safeguarding users’ right to choices regarding meal service, enhancing services in small-group care settings (including dementia care), and adopting new technologies such as digital rehabilitation devices and location trackers for seniors. Based on these findings, I suggest policy options for enhancing the quality of services provided at long-term care organizations.


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    Ministry of Health and Welfare